Patient Evaluation - $65
Yearly Renewals - $45
Marijuana ID Cards - $25

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On-Line Patient Verification

Rec. ID MM-00
Date Of Birth

* HIPAA requires that we log access to medical records. Please enter in your organization name. If you are checking your personal recommendation status, put "Self" in the organization field.

This verification system is for medical marijuana caregivers, cooperatives, dispensaries, mmj doctors renewing patients and law enforcement to verify patients only by their permission in person in the state of California. In order to verify you must have both pieces of information. Only the patient has the patient ID number which the patient will provide.

To verify a patient you will need the patient's ID number and Date of Birth as it appears on their Identification card or letter of recommendation. If you are not able to verify a patient please call us at 1-310-623-9222 so we can assist you. If you are calling after office business hours, please press #2 and you will be transferred to a live operator who will be able to provide verification for the patient.